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Think small (2)

management, livre, cerveau, réflexion

Après avoir fini la lecture de ce livre, j'ai pensé que ce n'était peut-être pas par hasard que je lui avais consacré un peu de mon temps précieux passé aux Etats-Unis. Venant de France, j'ai encore une fois perçu ce monde comme étant très pragmatique, ayant le culte du travail, respectant l'ordre commun - sans doute une formule efficace qui favorise la cohésion sociale/nationale.

J'ai choisi plus loin un autre extrait concernant les différents types de motivations de nos actions:  

If there is one mantra a Freak lives by, it is this: people respond to incentives. As utterly obvious as this point may seem, we are amazed at how frequently people forget it, and how often it leads to their undoing. Understanding the incentives of all the players in a given scenario is a fundamental step in solving any problem. Not that incentives are always so easy to figure out. Different types of incentives –financial, social, moral, legal, and others –push people’s buttons in different directions, in different magnitudes. An incentive that works beautifully in one setting may backfire in another. But if you want to think like a Freak, you must learn to be a master of incentives –the good, the bad, and the ugly.

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